Calories Burned Per Hour - Household Chores
Source: American Family Physician, June 1993
Exercise Calories Burned Per Hour
Walking may be helpful
Food Pyramid Guide:
Do You Know
What counts as a serving?
Children (ages 2 to 6), women, some older adults(1,600 calories)
Older children, teen girls, active women, most men (2,200 calories)
Grains Group (Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta) especially whole grain
1 serving =
6 servings
9 servings
Vegetable Group
1 cup of raw leafy vegetables
½ cup of other vegetables (corn, peas, sweet potatoes), cooked or raw
¾ cup of vegetable juice
1 small (3 oz) baked potato
3 servings
4 servings
Fruit Group
1 medium apple, banana, orange, pear
½ piece of large fruit (e.g., banana, grapefruit)
½ cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit
¾ cup of fruit juice (unsweetened)
1 cup mixed berries, cherries or cubed cantaloupe
2 servings
Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Group - preferably fat free or low fat
8 oz., or 1 cup of milk** or yogurt
2 ounces of natural cheese (such as Cheddar)
2 ounces of processed cheese (such as American)
½ C. cottage cheese, low fat
1-1/2 oz. hard cheese; lower-fat
2 or 3* servings
Meat and Beans Group (Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts) preferably lean or low fat
2-3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish is about the size of a deck of cards or the palm of your hand.These count as 1 ounce of meat:
½ cup of cooked dry beans (lima, kidney, black. split beans, lentils) or tofu
2 ½ ounce soy burger
1 egg
2 tablespoons of peanut butter
1/3 cup of nuts
2 servings, for a total of 5 ounces
2 servings, for a total of 6 ounces
Weight Loss Goal is divided into segments (approx 5 -10lbs every 25 days) Smaller goals are easier to reach.
consult your physician before beginning any weight loss program, project, or plan
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